
Maximize your potential

See how Corelation Software can increase your revenue without wasting time. Our Co-founder and retention expert will briefly show you how Corelation can boost your company’s retention and revenue.

Do like the leading agencies in the industry.

Obsidian Digital


If you have any questions, you can find answers to the most commonly asked ones here. If your question isn’t there, feel free to contact us.

Hvordan tilføjer jeg kuHow do I add customers to the platform?nder til platformen?

You can manually add customers under the "Customers" tab. You can also import customer information from your CRM system via Zapier. You can do this under Settings → Integrations → API.

When will my employees be invited to a survey?

Employees are invited to provide their feedback at the same time as the customer. You just need to ensure that the employee is linked to the right customers.

How secure is my data?

Your data is completely secure. Only you and the members you invite to your page can access it.

What event notifications are recommended?

As a starting point, we recommend setting up notifications for negative responses from both customers and employees. It’s also a good idea to add notifications for negative trends.

How do I start the data collection?

Når du opretter dine kunder og medarbjedere i platformen, kan du samtidigt slå Autopiloten til. Fik du ikke gjort det der, kan du klikke ind på kunden, klikke på "Actions" vælg "Rediger" og slå Autopiloten til der.

Do you still have questions?

Contact our team for answers

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It's free to get started

Corelation Starter is unlimited in terms of time and features. Get started with the system and add your first 5 customers.